Friday, August 5, 2011

Fun Fact Friday!!!

Good morning everyone!! I've got a secret... I LOVE Fridays... Whats that you say? Everyone loves Fridays? Well, this is why I love Fridays, not only is it fun fact day, but its also the beginning of my 3 day weekend every week! So I love Fridays because they are like a first Saturday for me!

So today is my first Fun Fact Friday! And I've gotta tell you it's fun looking up random culinary facts, it was hard choosing just one for today! But here it is! Ladies, this ones for you!!

Chocolate contains phenyl ethylamine (PEA), a natural substance that is reputed to stimulate the same reaction in the body as falling in love. 

Short but sweet. No wonder we all love chocolate so much!!

Well as I said last night, I have 2 birthday parties to go to tonight one for a good friend of mine who also happens to be an AMAZING photographer!! Check out her blog here, her facebook here, or her website here! Happy Birthday Stephanie!!! Her birthday party is garden party themed and I am super excited!
The other birthday party is for James, who might as well be my brother. He's been hangin around the family for years (cant seem to get rid of him!! Just kidding :) The only downside, the parties are pretty much at the same time James's is at 6 and Stephanie's is at 7. It will be a crazy night for me! Oh and the fact that I wont be cooking (aw shucks...) But really though, this blog has given me so much incentive to cook every night! Two things I'm normally a slacker at doing, I have been doing every day for nearly a week!! You're impressed right!! WELL there has been food that I have cooked, served every night, cause we've had two left over nights. It's amazing how much money you really do save when cooking! I always thought it was a bunch of bull when you're only cooking for 2, but really!! You do save a ton!

Well before I go I wanted to blog about a blog I have recently discovered. Its a fashion blog, which usually I dont follow so well. There are so many fashion blogs now and some are great! And some I seriously only read because I am so baffled by how bad the person's style is... Ok... Theres only one of those and I assure you its not one of my followers blogs. But seriously the style is so frumpy in some of the blogs. But this one I am new to and I found it through a give a way one of my friends blogged/facebooked about. It was my first give away I have ever entered and now I am sold forever on her blog! I love her style, I love her blog. And the skirt up for give away is SO cute! The give away ends today so click here to enter!
Seriously though! Look how cute this skirt is!

You want it now don't you! I know I do!!! Follow Cori at La Vie Petite!

Thanks for checking back! And sorry that this wasn't so much about food but hey! A girls gotta do what a girls gotta do to win right!!! Dont forget tomorrow is Sweet Saturday!!
Until tomorrow!

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